• Start my presentation without telling the audience who I am. I don't NEED to start with the words 'thanks for inviting me' or by explaining how happy I am to be here. It shouldn't be hard. I've watched hundreds of TED talks and I know what a captivating start to a presentation looks like. I must grab their attention. I must make them like me at the beginning. But I've never done it before. I've never launched right into the presentation. I've always started with a thank you, or a summary of who I am...

  • “I’m sorry I’m speaking in front of....who?!” I say in shock. (Grammar pedants don't @ me, it's just how I speak). I've found out I'm giving a conference presentation in ONE WEEK and there will be someone Very Important in the audience. How did I end up here...

  • Have you ever given a presentation that fell flat, Reader? I have. There I was, pouring my heart and soul into a presentation I had worked on for freaking hours. But, as I glanced out at the audience (only for a second because I was trying to remember what I was going to say next), I saw people flicking through their phones. Checking Twitter no doubt. Or that very important work email. Someone had actually nodded off...

  • We all know the feeling of sitting through a talk that feels generic and uninspiring as though it could have been delivered to ANY audience. Crafting presentations that resonate with your audience is not just about delivering information; it’s about leaving them feeling inspired and connected. Without that connection, a presentation can quickly become a forgettable experience. So, how can you ensure your audience stays engaged and attentive throughout...

  • Ever heard the phrase “Content is King”? As clichĂ© as it sounds, it still rings true. But do you know what’s better than just being a king (or queen)? Being a king (or queen) with a loyal, high-value audience. Because a kingdom without its people is just…well, lonely land. So, what’s this all about? Here’s your guide to building your audience…

  • Did you know that an average person’s attention span for a slide is a scant 5 seconds? That’s less time than it takes to sip my tea. In today’s digital landscape, the ability to design compelling slides is a skill every one of us should have. Over the past five years, I’ve mentored over 600 presenters. Their most common concern...